WBAI-FM Upcoming Program
Law and Disorder

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 11:00 AM


Co-hosts, attorneys Heidi Boghosian and Stephen Rohde speak with attorney Robert Corn-Revere about confronting the challenges of censorship and freedom of speech in the United States. Robert Corn-Revere is Chief Counsel for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, known as "FIRE.” He has practiced First Amendment law for 40 years. From 1989 to 1994, Corn-Revere served as legal advisor and later chief counsel to the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

Next, Heidi Boghosian speaks with attorney John Raphling about his deep research into homelessness in California and across the country. John Raphling, Senior Researcher in the U.S. Program of Human Rights Watch and author of the HRW report titled You Have to Move! The Cruel and Ineffective Criminalization of Unhoused People in Los Angeles. The report documents the experiences of persons living on the streets, in vehicles, in temporary shelters, and in parks as they struggle to survive.

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