WBAI-FM Upcoming Program
Back of the Book

Sat, Jul 27, 2024 5:00 AM


  The hairy wild-bee that murmurs and hankers up and down, that gripes the
      full-grown lady-flower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takes
      his will of her, and holds himself tremulous and tight till he is

This is our first program of the mid-Summer of '24.

So now Kamela Harris has to be the one to stop the right-wing crazies and Christian Nationalists from destroying the United States of America.

We're glad that another January 6, insurrectionist is headed off to prison.

The Web page for this program should go live about an hour before air time.

Our current program schedule is here.

You can find R. Paul on I'm on Twitter, or X, or something. Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.

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Biden Drops Out, Mid-Summer is Here, Is Trump Hoist By His Own Petard?



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