No Scheduled Air Dates
Hosted by: Nathalie Thandiwe
Web Site: rates of ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism and other neurodiversity-related diagnoses rise, it's estimated that between 15-20% of the population may be impacted by one or more such conditions.
Neurodiversity Experts Talk features specialists in areas such as ADHD and executive functioning disorders; Autism and Asperger's; learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, non-Verbal Learning disabilities; speech and language disorders; as well as processing disorders related to coordination, auditory, visual and sensory processing; and 2e learners- who are gifted and have neuro-differences. Neurodiversity embraces differences in brain function and wiring as part of the expected diversity and variation in human beings. Thriving with neuro-differences also takes access to diagnosis and care, which can be limited due to accessibility barriers and bias, and can have disparate outcomes based on race, gender and economic status.
Our featured Neurodiversity Experts include educators, advocates, therapists, physicians, coaches, technologists, inventors, other professionals and leaders who are part of this movement. Thriving with neuro-differences takes information, understanding and community, to embrace effective, inclusive ways of seeing and doing things in areas such as education, work, healthcare, self-care, relationships, and parenting.
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