The connection this week? Songs or raps mentioning important people or institutions.
So, we were talking to our good friend RACHEL NOERDLINGER, and she’s an award - winning communications strategist & partner at Actum, and she knows Kamala Harris, and Al Sharpton, and Al B. Sure and the Obamas. And she’s all like, “Can I PLEASE be on The Harlem Connection this week?”
So, we conference call Oprah, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Tom Cruise & we tell ‘em, “Hey, guys…we’re gonna have to bump y’all.” -
And they’re all like, “Again?? OK. But we can be on The Harlem Connection NEXT week, right?” -
And we say, “We’ll have our people get back to you, OK?” -
So later, the Kardashians come by, and we… -
Get connected to a playlist of jams with lyrics like: -
“And they were all impressed -
with your Halston dress -
and the people that you knew at Elaine's! -
And the story of your latest success, -
you kept 'em so entertained…. -
Yes, yes. You had to be a big shot, didn't cha?” -