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Sat, Jan 20, 2024 05:00 AM

Hosts: R. Paul Martin & Pickles of the North
  • The climate crisis - Pickles of the North talked about evidence that 2023, was the warmest year on record.
  • COVID~19 deaths in America - 1,169,666 so 2,456 more people have died of COVID~19 since our last program a week ago.
  • The Moon - This week Japan became the fifth country to land a probe on the Moon.
  • Donnie "Bonespur" Trump - Was misbehaving and causing chaos in another courtroom this week.

The Hottest Year on Record, Japan Lands on the Moon.

On this program we talked about Japan putting a lander on the Moon. Radio's Pickles of the North talked about 2023, setting the record for the hottest year, and we talked about the climate crisis. We talked about a far right~wing pillow vendor whining over Fox not running his ads anymore just because he can't pay for them.

  • Guests? Guests? We don't got no guests. We don't need no stinkin' guests! -
  • Barracuda - Heart
  • Baker Street - Gerry Rafferty

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