Segment 1: The Feminist News Roundup--a few headlines/stories illustrative of the struggle for women's rights going on aroud the world. Stories on: 1) In Tuesday's elections, Ohioans voted add a constitutional amendment to their state Constitution that would guarantee abortion & other repro rts. / related news in other state elections; 2) Former head of Grammy Awards sued for rapte, revealing coverup of sexual abuse in music industry;3) Forcible return to Afghanistan of refugees to Packistan falls most heavily on women; 4) Widespread sexual violenc toward women & girls in Bolivia/activist push-back.
Segment 2: Overview of Tuesdays election with details and analysis with professor & journalist Carrie N. Baker
Segment 3: Merle Hoffman, pioneer of the abortion rights movement, founder and CEO of Choices Women's Medical Center in Queens, shares what she has learned in her 50 + years of activism for abortion rights, why this right is so important and how to keep inspired and "learn to love the struggle" for the work ahead in the wake of the overthrow of Roe--in her new book: "Choices: A Post Roe Abortion Rights Manifesto." Discussion with Merle and readings from her book (book also offered as a premium to our listeners for a pledge of $50. or becoming a "WBAI Buddy" (sustaining member).