

Fri, Apr 1, 2022 14:30 PM

Hosts: Ken Gale, Donna Stein
  • CELEBRATION OF NATURE. Weird and Unusual Animals. A Celebration of Nature with biologist Abby Hafer! Unusual sex of weird animals -

CELEBRATION OF NATURE. Weird and Unusual Animals. A Celebration of Nature with biologist Abby Hafer! Unusual sex of weird animals -- we know you would love to hear about that. This is the place to find out! Did you know that there are animals that are all female, that have seven genders, that change their sex – you'll have to tune in to find out more. Sex! We're not just saying that to get your attention. Some of these animals reproduce in strange ways. The show is not just about sex and gender identity. Some of these animals are weird because of how they deal with their environment through camouflage or shapeshifting. It's also about immortality, animals acting or reproducing like plants, animals that are throwbacks to the age of dinosaurs, mammals acting like birds, poisonous birds, fish that function out of the water, fish that can climb trees – no foolin'! Sorry, no flying pigs. Hear about weird sexual attributes and strange behaviors of the immortal jellyfish, mudskipper, dinoflagellate, psychedelic cuttlefish, archerfish, wombat, mimic octopus, platypus, tardigrades, pitohui, echidna, naked mole rats, star-nosed moles, tetrahymena thermophila, slough crayfish, Mexican whiptail lizard, hoatzin, photosynthesizing sea slugs, anglerfish. These animals are real, no fooling!


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