

Fri, Jan 21, 2022 14:30 PM

Hosts: Ken Gale, Donna Stein
  • New recycling laws. NJ: 3rd in the nation! Our guests, Alex Truelove, Director, Zero Waste Campaign, USPIRG, and Maura Toomey, NJ Zero Waste Organizer, Clean Water Action will be leading a spirited discussion of statewide recycling laws for you to listen - content law—the first East Coast state, and 3rd nationwide, to require products sold in the state to include a gradually

New recycling laws. NJ: 3rd in the nation! Our guests, Alex Truelove, Director, Zero Waste Campaign, USPIRG, and Maura Toomey, NJ Zero Waste Organizer, Clean Water Action will be leading a spirited discussion of statewide recycling laws for you to listen to. New Jersey's Governor Murphy just signed a recycled-content law—the first East Coast state, and 3rd nationwide, to require products sold in the state to include a gradually-increasing percentage of recycled content. What will be the next state to follow? How powerful are these laws in reality? A lot of what is put in the garbage is not really trash; much of it can be used as raw materials for new items and kept out of landfills. Waste Not, Want Not!


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