
Living for the City

Wed, Apr 7, 2021 11:00 AM

Hosts: Michael G. Haskins

    Guests are: Alicia Boyd, founder of the Movement to Protect the People (MTOP), Flower Lovers Against Corruption (FLAC) & Michael Hollingsworth, plaintiffs in the latest lawsuit against the 'Monster' development that would abut and impact the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. They recieved a TRO last month for several reasons which they'll discuss, the second one granted against the planned rezoning, which would be the largest residential complex in Brooklyn with over 40 stories in a height limited zone of 6-7 stories. Though Mayor de Blasio publicly opposes such a tall tower, the actions of his city agencies as well as those taken by him appear to contradict that opposition.
    They will also discuss the fight to save the local Associated Market, the only affordable market in a food desert. The landlord has refused to renew the lease--a common story over the last two decades throughout NYC--with intentions inevitably to construct a luxury building--what else? The local community board participates in the city's FRESH program--which incentivizes developers to build supermarkets in exchange for a little extra height--but the program sets no preconditions the market must be low- cost and minimal space requirements prevent smaller establishments like those that tend to be more affordable, like bodegas. Many critics consider the FRESH program to be a means of opening the door to gentrification and eventual displacement of both residents and small businesses. This is primarily because luxury developments almost certainly bring in luxury establishments--in this case, a higher end supermarket--to the working class area of Crown Heights/Prospect Lefferts Garden section of Brooklyn which is primarily a community of color.


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