We talked about Trump getting impeached for the second time and about his finally getting booted off Twitter for his lies and using the platform to incite a deadly insurrection.
We talked about over 100 of the January 6, insurrectionists having been arrested already. Among them was the son of a Brooklyn judge, a guy in Queens getting arrested with a serious arsenal. The pro-Trump crazies are not going away.
We talked about an incident that happened on December 21, in Salem, Oregon where right-wing demonstrators were outside the state capital building. Republican Representative Mike Nearman walked out of the building, and allowed one of the right-wing demonstrators standing there to grab the door before it could close. The right-wing demonstrators rushed into the state capital building and faced off with cops who tried to stop them for about 10 minutes but then the right-wing intruders used chemical sprays on the cops and did damage to the building. Nearman is vice-president of an immigration group that is considered a hate-group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and one of his aides was a member of the Oregon Three Percenters, an extremist right-wing paramilitary group.
Pickles of the North talked about Freddy the Butterfly who is Wintering in Manitoba.
If you want to do something to protect your privacy while using regular browsers, like Firefox, you can check out NOSCRIPT which gives you more control over what Web sites can learn about you.
Search engines help us to find things on the World Wide Web. Most search engines exist not to help you find things but to allow the companies that provide the search service to data mine your searches and then sell your search history to clients so they can spam you. An alternative to getting your privacy compromised is to use the DuckDuckGo search engine.
If you'd like to keep your browsing history private you can get yourself the Tor Browser. Using the DuckDuckGo search engine is automatic with the Tor Browser, and by accessing the DuckDuckGo search engine from the Tor Browser you are pretty much guaranteed that no one can trace searches back to you.
Gnu Privacy Guard can help you to encrypt your data and preserve your privacy.
For the somewhat more advanced user who wants to protect his or her privacy there is the Tails OS. Tails is a live operating system that you can start on almost any computer from a USB flash drive or a DVD. It allows you to use any computer that will allow you to boot up off a USB flash drive or a DVD and it provides a lot of good security for your on-line activities. You can get it here.