From the Center for Biological Diversity comes this news: -
The oil industry can't search the Atlantic Ocean for oil via seismic blasting this year - and maybe not for several years, according to announcements made in court in early October. Permits to harm and harass ocean animals, including critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales, with the blasting will expire on Nov. 30 and not be&nbs
Seismic testing blasts the seafloor with high - powered airguns then measure the echoes to map offshore oil and gas reserves. In the process, it disturbs, injures, and even kills marine wildlife.
Synopsis: From the Center for Biological Diversity comes this news:
The oil industry can't search the Atlantic Ocean for oil via seismic blasting this year - and maybe not for several years, according to announcements made in court in early October. Permits to harm and harass ocean animals, including critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales, with the blasting will expire on Nov. 30 and not be renewed.
Seismic testing blasts the seafloor with high-powered airguns then measure the echoes to map offshore oil and gas reserves. In the process, it disturbs, injures, and even kills marine wildlife.