WBAI-FM Upcoming Program
Jordan Journal

Fri, Dec 30, 2016   3:00 PM


THROUGH THE EYES OF REBEL WOMEN: THE YOUNG LORDS, 1969-1976 is the first account about the experiences of women members — a "story within a story" told from the inside out. The Young Lords emerged in the late sixties to fight poverty, racial and gender inequality, and the colonial status of Puerto Rico. Women joined to build a people's justice movement and fought the “revolution within the revolution” believing that women’s equality was inseparable from the society’s progress as a whole.

While the names of activist former Young Lords  like Juan Gonzalez, Mickey Melendez, Pablo "Yoruba" Guzman, Felipe Luciano, have received deserved recognition, the unwritten herstory of women like Iris Morales, Denise Oliver, Connie Morales, Myrna Martinez,  and others until now have been "invisbilized." The  total story has not been told. Howard interviews Iris Morales  an aspiring woman who has played many roles in the revolutionary tradition of the Puerto Rican/Latino experience. Student, tenant activist, educator, film documentarian, feminist, lawyer and one of the most important figures of the Young Lords movement. Listen in as Iris tells the untold stories of the “sheroes” who transformed a community and a nation.

In our second hour an interview with Sal F. Albanese legislator, educator, finanacial services executive, attorney, former four term councilman  and a perspective mayoral candidate. Is Mayor De Blasio a progressive? 

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