I was at the LSB/staff planning meeting yesterday on WBAI's 3 month and long term future. We really need more staff to come to the meetings. They are on TuesdayS at 16 Beaver St., 4th floor at 6:30 (although I can't get there until 7 because of our newscast timing).
Please come to the next meeting, so we can hammer out a constructive plan ahead. One of the things I'd like to see is a station with flexibility.. where we can go live at the drop of a hat.. with producers already on air who know how to handle
breaking news situations like the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case breaks.
We also need training so on air hosts feel comfortable going live without the predictability they usually have. And we need to have the equipment like 7 phone lines and the where with all to make flexible choices. We need to recruit new talent and have a space to train people in sound/interview gathering and digital editing and in social media to share our programs and grow our audience.
We need.. well what do you think we need and can accomplish..? Come to the next meeting. For a while I was the only staff there yesterday.. so please join in.