WBAI-FM Program Highlight
Morning Show


Friday, April 3, 2015   12:00 AM - --:-- PM

In a couple of weeks, Tax Day will be upon us. Last Wednesday, the Center for Effective Government and the Institute for Policy Studies released a new report that highlights the 26 companies that have the most profits stashed in offshore tax havens. The new report also looks at the infrastructure repairs and modernization the U.S. could fund if those corporations paid the taxes they owe.

This study is especially timely given current congressional proposals to use a corporate “tax holiday” to fund infrastructure, which the co-authors of the report note is the wrong approach and doesn’t fix the longer-term issue of offshoring profits to avoid taxes.

They also offer constructive alternative policy solutions.

Mario and Michael spoke with Scott Klinger, Director, Revenue and Spending Policies,  of the Center for Effective Government on Friday's Morning Show, and they discussed the report's findings.

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