WBAI-FM Program Highlight
Thump and Growl


Tuesday, September 16, 2014   10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Peeps! Your emails, messages, and posts about my rant last week have been heartening, funny, and precious to me. Building a comedy career on the backs of marginalized populations really bites my butt, and it felt nice to be understood, against such great odds. Thank you. THANK YOU. I not only enjoyed having sunshine blown up my skirt, but I really dug hearing from so many listeners I'd not heard from before. I'm back at it this Tuesday, but with far more music and much less yammerin'. And an abundance of great new music, the size of which I've not seen in months.

And join us in the Thump and Growl Facebook group, why don't ya? That's where the real-time playlists (and other thumpy, growly things) happen. (Hit the "read more" link below.)

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