Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by: Off The Hook Collective
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Off The Hook is the hacker's view of the emerging technology, and the threats posed by an increasingly Orwellian society.
Hear updates on security flaws from the hacker perspective, as well as the latest news from within the hacker community.
While technical knowledge is important in order to read between the lines, Off The Hook continues to reach people with little or no technical ability. Advances in the world of computers and phones will affect everyone, as will abuses by governments and corporations.
Off The Hook gives a voice to those who would never be heard otherwise.
Emmanuel Goldstein is the host of Off The Hook. He is the editor and publisher of 2600 Magazine.
2600 has been coming out since 1984 with all kinds of exposes on security flaws and abuse of individuals using technology as a tool.While this kind of thing has always provoked an angry reaction by the powers that be, it wasn't until fairly recently that lawsuits were filed against Goldstein and 2600 by such organizations as the Motion Picture Association of America, for demonstrating how DVDs work. This is now a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
In addition to becoming a vocal critic of the DMCA, Goldstein has recently directed a movie entitled "Freedom Downtime." The film documents the case of computer hacker Kevin Mitnick, as well as the "Free Kevin" activist movement that sprouted as a result of Mitnick's long imprisonment without trial.
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